Ascent Technology Trademarks

Updated 23 August 2024

Trademarks owned by Ascent Technology

The following is a listing of United States trademarks owned by Ascent Technology, Inc., along with Ascent Technology's preferred descriptor for each trademark.

Marks followed by ® are registered by Ascent Technology, Inc., in the United States; marks followed by are trademarks of Ascent Technology in the United States.

The following list is not a complete list of all trademarks owned by Ascent Technology. Failure of a trademark to appear in the following list does not mean that Ascent Technology does not use the trademark, nor does it mean that Ascent Technology does not actively market the product.

Ascent trademarkPreferred descriptor
Active Schedules tool
Advanced Pay Rule System tool
ARIS® resource-information system
ARIS/AR® aircraft-routing system
ARIS/AR Display Board aircraft router
ARIS/AR Turn Generator aircraft router
ARIS/AV® aerial-view display
ARIS/BB® baggage-belt allocator
ARIS/BB Audit tool
ARIS/BIS billing-information system
ARIS/BX baggage-connection display
ARIS/CA® capacity analyzer
ARIS/CI® check-in counter allocator
ARIS/CX® crew-connection analyzer
ARIS/DCdiversion controller
ARIS/DSdocumentation server
ARIS/FR®flight-readiness display
ARIS/FW®flight watcher
ARIS/GateView®real-time display
ARIS/GM®gate manager
ARIS/IQ®queue manager
ARIS/LegGen®flight-leg generator
ARIS/PX®passenger-connection analyzer
ARIS/Reportsdata analyzer
ARIS/SA® slot allocator
ARIS/SB® schedule builder
ARIS/SE® scenario editor
ARIS/SL® schedule loader
ARIS/SmartBase® database
ARIS/SmartBus® communication middleware
ARIS/SP® stand planner
ARIS/TE® tug-equipment assigner
ARIS/Tow Panel® display
ARIS/WorkModel®workload generator
ARIS/WorkNet®bid and trade manager
ARIS/WorkOptimize® work-period generator
ARIS/WorkPlan®work-schedule generator
ARIS/WorkRelay®time and task monitor
ARIS/WorkTime® workday manager
Ascent Resource Information System®solutions
Ascent Technology, Inc.® (stylized) logo
Ascent WebConnecttechnology
Ascent WorkZone®workforce-management system
Ascent WorkZone® (stylized)logo
Change History log
Extended Flight View Dashboard tool
Flight Data Dashboard tool
Flight Filter Manager tool
From Touchdown to Takeoff® service
GateKeeper® gate manager
Gate Chart Display tool
Location Editortool
Planning Controltool
Planning Schedulestool
Profile Editortool
Query Editortool
Reference Editortool
Resource Editortools
Right-Now View® operations dashboard
Rule Editortool
SmartAirline® product line
SmartAirline Capacity Analyzerproduct suite for capacity planning
SmartAirline Capacity Analyzer® (stylized)logo
SmartAirline Information Managerproduct suite for business-knowledge management
SmartAirline Information Manager® (stylized)logo
SmartAirline Operationssolution
SmartAirline Operations Center®solution
SmartAirline Operations Managerproduct suite for day-of-operation resource management
SmartAirline Operations Manager® (stylized)logo
SmartAirline WorkZone® workforce-management system
SmartAirline WorkZone® (stylized)logo
SmartAirport® product line
SmartAirport Capacity Analyzer®product suite for capacity planning
SmartAirport Capacity Analyzer® (stylized)logo
SmartAirport Information Manager® product suite for business-knowledge management
SmartAirport Information Manager® (stylized)logo
SmartAirport Operations® solution
SmartAirport Operations Center® solution
SmartAirport Operations Manager® product suite for day-of-operation resource management
SmartAirport Operations Manager® (stylized)logo
SmartAirport WorkZone® workforce-management system
SmartAirport WorkZone® (stylized)logo
Stand Assignment Optimizer assistant
Template Worker Editortool
Tow-Data Web Servicemodule
Update Controltool
User Editortool
User Group Editortool
Work Schedule Managertools
Worker Editortool

Ascent Technology's trademarks and brands are the intellectual property of Ascent Technology, Inc.

Ascent Technology takes great care in the development and protection of its trademarks and reserves all rights of ownership of its trademarks.

You must use trademarks properly.

"Fair Use" of trademarks allows third parties to make textual reference to Ascent Technology product names. Such use must be truthful, must not be disparaging to Ascent Technology, and must not mislead the public. When you make textual reference to Ascent Technology's product names, you must be clear and accurate about the nature of the relationship between Ascent Technology and you, your company, products, or services.

Always use a trademark as an adjective, accompanied by an appropriate noun. Do not use a trademark as a noun.

Do not make a trademark plural; do not make a trademark possessive; and do not abbreviate a trademark.

Always use the proper spelling of a trademark and the proper trademark symbol.

Always use trademarks and brand names in the ways they were intended to be used.